Understanding Asbestos: Risks, Identification, and Safety Measures

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Asbestos, a term that incites concern and fear for many, especially property owners. This naturally occurring mineral fibre was lauded for its durability and fire-resistant properties. For decades, it was used in a variety of applications, particularly in construction. However, the discovery of its deadly health risks led to its ban in the UK in 1999.

Today, we aim to shed light on this material - its risks, how to identify it, and the safety measures that should be taken to ensure a safe living or working environment.

Understanding the Risks

Inhalation of asbestos fibres can lead to serious diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. This risk arises when materials containing asbestos are disturbed, allowing microscopic fibres to become airborne and potentially inhaled.

How to Identify Asbestos

Identifying asbestos is a tricky process. Its fibres were often mixed with other materials, making it hard to recognise. While it was commonly used in products like cement, roofing shingles, insulation, floor tiles, and even textured paint, it’s almost impossible to identify it based on sight alone. This is where professional asbestos surveyors come in. Armed with experience and technical expertise, they can correctly identify and assess the risk associated with any asbestos present in your property.

Safety Measures

Here at Strada Environmental, we strongly advise against trying to remove or handle asbestos on your own. Proper safety equipment and training are crucial in dealing with this hazardous substance. Our team of specialists ensures the safe removal and disposal of asbestos, adhering to stringent safety regulations.

Stay informed, stay safe, and remember, when it comes to asbestos, professional help is not just an option, it's a necessity.

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