Asbestos floor tiles & vinyl

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Asbestos floor tiles are a product that contains asbestos, a highly carcinogenic mineral fibre.  The product was usedin building materials including for the backing on vinyl flooring because of its heat tolerance and strength.  Exposure to asbestos fibres can cause mesothelioma and several other diseases.

Asbestos vinyl flooring is not harmful if it is in good condition and intact, but crumbling or damaged tiles should be removed carefully by a professional who will wear personal protective clothing and respirator during removal.



Asbestos floor tile is a product that contains asbestos, a highly carcinogenic mineral fibre.

Asbestos is a mineral fibre that is found in rock formations around the world.  It was used in building products such as floor tiles and vinyl, because it could be carved or heated to create strong, durable materials.


It was used in a variety of building materials, including for the backing on vinyl tiles because of its heat tolerance and strength.

Asbestos was a heat-resistant material that was used to make floor tiles because of its strength and resistance to fire.  It was popular in the 1950s and 1970s, especially in homes.  Asbestos floor tiles were also used in schools, hospitals, government buildings and other public spaces.


Exposure to asbestos fibres can cause mesothelioma and several other diseases.

Asbestos exposure can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer and other diseases.  Asbestos is a mineral fibre that's resistant to heat and water.  It was commonly used in construction materials until the 1999 because it was cheap and easy to work with.

It's still possible to find asbestos in older homes, schools and businesses built before 1978.  This means you mayhave been exposed if you live or work in an older building with asbestos pipes or gaskets when they were installed before the early 1970s.

Asbestos exposure causes mesothelioma, a rare cancer that develops in the lining of your lungs (pleura),abdomen (peritoneum) or heart (pericardium).  You might also develop lung cancer after being exposed to asbestos fibres for long periods of time. 

Asbestosis is another serious disease caused by inhaling too many fibres over a long period of time -- it makes breathing difficult as scarring builds up inside your lungs.


Asbestos vinyl floor tiles & vinyl are not harmful if they are in good condition and intact.

If you have asbestos vinyl floor tiles or vinyl in good condition and intact, they are not dangerous.  However, if your flooring is crumbling or damaged, you should consider removing it by professional only. The professionals should always wearing personal protective clothing and respirator while working on removal of the tile and/or vinyl.



It is safe to walk on asbestos tiles or to live in a home with them, as long as they remain in good condition.

While it is true that asbestos floor tiles are dangerous when damaged and crumbled, they are safe to walk on or live in if they remain undamaged.  The most important thing to remember when working with asbestos-containing materials like these is to take precautions for your health and safety.

Always wear protective clothing, including a respirator mask; never attempt to remove the tile yourself if yoususpect it contains asbestos; always let a professional handle any removal or repair work. 

Asbestos floor tiles can be found in many older homes, particularly those built before 1970.  As long as they are in good condition, there is no need for concern about walking on them or living with them—as long as you do so carefully!


Crumbling or damaged tiles should be removed carefully by a professional, who should wear protective clothing and respirator during removal.

Asbestos floor tiles are dangerous to remove.

A professional should always be used for this task.  Removal should also take place in a well sealed area so no dust can escape into the environment where others might inhale it and develop health problems as a result.



Asbestos floor tiles are dangerous when they are crumbling or damaged, and should be removed by a professional

Asbestos floor tiles are dangerous when they are crumbling or damaged. They should be removed by a professional only.  If your asbestos floor tile is in good condition and still intact, you can leave it alone; there is no need to remove it.



Asbestos floor tiles are a dangerous product that can cause mesothelioma and other diseases.  It is important to know whether or not the flooring you have in your home contains asbestos before it crumbles into dust.  Crumbling or damaged tiles should be removed carefully by an asbestos professional. 

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